Innealan cidsin Ìrean Rice Silicone Ìre Bidhe le dath gluasaid

Tuairisgeul Goirid:

Àite Tùs: Xiamen Sìona
Ainm Brand: JQ
Meud Òrdugh as ìsle: 100pcs
Prìs: Negotiable
Fiosrachadh pacaidh: Poca 1pc / opp
Ùine Lìbhrigidh: 10 ~ 15days
Cumhachan pàighidh: T / T.
Comas solair: 5000pcs gach seachdain

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Tagaichean toraidh

Fiosrachadh mionaideach
Ainm Bathar: Spàinean Rice Stuth: Silicone + Nylon
Feart: FDA Dath: Uaine thar-shoilleir, Translucent Red
Pasgan: Bag 1pc / opp Meud: 22 * 7cm
Teòthachd: -40 ~ 230 ° C. Cuideam: 80g / pc

Tuairisgeul toraidh

Innealan cidsin Ìrean Rice Silicone Ìre Bidhe le dath gluasaid

  Ainm toraidh   Innealan cidsin Ìrean Rice Silicone Ìre Bidhe le dath gluasaid
 Stuth     Silicone + Nylon
  Feart   FDA 
 meud:     22 * 7cm
 Teòthachd   -40 ~ 230 ° C.
  pasgan   Poca 1pc / opp 
  OEM   ri fhaighinn 


Food Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent colorFood Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent colorFood Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent colorFood Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent color

Food Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent color

Food Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent colorFood Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent colorFood Grade Silicone Rice Spoons kitchen tools with translucent color

Fiosrachadh conaltraidh :

Ainm: Wiesia He


Wechat: 18065857214


innealan còcaireachd rubair,

sgeadachadh cidsin silicone

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